Posts in Family
10 Books I Loved

I actually wrote most of this post back at the end of 2019 — a few months before the world flipped upside down, and (despite an enormous lack of sleep we were experiencing) I had a really fun and enjoyable reading year. So below are 10 books I loved from 2019. I’ll soon share my top 10 from 2020, and what I’m reading now.

I left the below paragraph just as I had written it back over a year and a half ago…because it was such a spotlight into the season of life we were in — spoiler: Henry sleeps now haha! Hallelujah!

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The Watermelon We've Been Waiting For

A little time ago now we wrote a story about Nat Bradford and the work he’s doing to bring back some lost and forgotten edibles — edibles that would have been very prominent, especially in the Carolinas. He’s putting food that is thought to have dominated the menu of the day back on the table: Ground Nuts, Dutch Fork Pumpkins, Candy Roaster Squash, Carolina African Runner Peanuts and more.

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Blueberries & Abundance

I liken the abundance of life to the blueberry bush. Quite some time ago now we bought several blueberry bushes to plant in our yard. The blueberry needs a companion. You can't just plant one, the blueberry needs to cross-pollinate. It needs a partner bush. Like our lives we can't go alone, we need the company of others in order to grow and produce meaningful fruit. Through our lives this need for a companion is met, a spouse, a brother, sister, mother, father, cousin, co-worker or friend. The people we need to grow are out there for us. 

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Family & Strawberries

At times we may sound like a broken record. Yes, we love living in the South, and we'll continue to make sure that it's well known. Living here hasn't only introduced us to knew places and new faces, it's introduced us, and really more me, to a very deep rooted concept. Which is this: The importance of family can never be underestimated and each member of the family should be cherished.

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You & Me: The Collection

This month, one of our favorite jewelry companies, Sela Designs, released the You & Me collection.  The founder and maker, Ashleigh, designed the most thoughtful pieces that can be shared with the younger girls in your life -- whether it's a daughter, granddaughter, neice, friend, god-daughter or otherwise, these pieces are meant to be conversation starters for those dear to you.

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Pals Socks: Where Differences are Beautiful

A few weeks ago we were introduced to the sweetest company with the most amazing, world-changing mission: Pals Socks. A simple concept of the most adorable mismatched socks is teaching children and adults alike that the pieces of us that are different are actually our greatest attributes. Owner and founder Hannah Lavon designs sock friends that come in so many adorable pairs, to include dragons and unicorns, bears and bees, polar bears and penguins and so many more. From baby all the way up to adult sizes, the sweet socks are singing a manifesto that we don't all have to match -- in fact, that's what makes us great! 

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Cuddle + Kind: Fighting Hunger

When we come across companies that are actively targeting real-world issues like hunger, our hearts leap for joy. Over Christmas, Elleanor received a beautiful handcrafted doll from her cousins made by the incredible family-owned business Cuddle + Kind. The dolls come in so many adorable varieties for boys and girls and are made by artisans in Peru. As a fair trade company, Cuddle + Kind employs local artisans that hand knit, loom, embroider and crochet vibrant and whimsical dolls. Even more inspirational is that every doll provides 10 meals for children in need!

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Redeeming Stories with Pennies

Worthless. Invaluable. Overlooked. Sadly, the same characteristics associated with this copper coin are the labels that many women today put on themselves. One organization, though, is on a mission to restore the dignity and worth of women, and their impact starts with a penny.

The Soteria Initiative was founded by Khue Paige as a jewelry company that give pennies a new purpose (on necklaces) and provides employment to women in Phoenix. Their goal? To empower women to break the cycle of abuse and exploitation -- because in their words "freedom is worth every penny". We couldn't agree more!

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Moesel Clothing: Sustainable Threads

There is something to be said about ideas that are created around kitchen tables. Perhaps it's the inviting and communal qualities of a kitchen that sparks the most thoughtful and life-giving conversations. Whatever the magic, Jacquie Moesel, founder and designer for Moesel Clothing, was having one of those talks around the table with a close friend when the opportunity to employ her passion for social change was brought to life. More than just a children's clothing business, Moesel employs artisans in Lima, Peru to craft quality pieces that tie in both traditional hand-sewing and the beautiful colors of the country.

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Advent: An Intentional Preparation

I remember one Sunday, feeling desperate to hear the Christmas music, I packed up my sick child, paced the floor of the lobby during the service, and left before the service was over. It was a very lonely feeling that year. But the beauty of that year, is that it forced me to realize that I didn’t have to be in a church service in order to prepare my heart for worship. While it’s helpful to have others around you as you worship, God desires to meet us in our solitude as well.

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Advent: The Light in the Darkness

As I step to the Christ candle on the Advent wreath, I light my candle, share the light with the ushers, and watch as the light travels along the rows, and gradually fills the room with light as we sing “Silent Night, Holy Night.”  It gives me joy in a way I can hardly describe, to see the faces of dear friends and strangers light up as we sing. There is so much darkness in the world, and I need the reminder, that Jesus, God with us, the light of the world, has come and will come again, and that the darkness will not win. 

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Sowing Seeds of Faith

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to meet Nat Bradford. Nat is a talented man, and one of those talents lies in sowing. Saying that he has a green thumb doesn't do him any justice, though. After meeting with Nat on his farm, watching him work, and listening to the things that he's passionate about, I know that he most likely bleeds green. If it can be planted, Nat can make it grow and produce. 

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Advent: Longing for a Savior

Guest Post by Susie Walrond:

In a world where our attention is jerked around by media, it's crucial for me to be intentional about knowing Jesus and making Him known both in my home and to the world. I want my children, and my grandchildren, to understand that we--all people--are the reason He came.  The reason He's here and coming again. Advent.

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Zaaina Skin Care: Beauty from Nature

I can remember the days of curling up in my bed, flipping through teen magazines and reading the latest DIY beauty tips. It always fascinated me to discover new and unusual remedies -- everything from avocado and mayonnaise as hair conditioners, to homemade toners and face masks made from citrus and pantry items. While they were always fun to experiment with at home, I can’t say I that I really understood the benefits of using natural ingredients until I became a mom.

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On baby bellies and works of art

She couldn't take her eyes off of it. After a good rub, she looked up at me with a smile that could melt the hardest heart, affectionately patting her tummy over and over. I sat there watching her...and it struck me as both beautiful and sad. She looked at that little belly with the purest heart, knowing that it was hers -- a masterpiece. I couldn't help but wonder if we all start out that way -- in love with the design and creation of our Father -- round bellies and all. And then I wondered, at what point do our affections for His work of art -- Me and You-- turn into self-loathing?

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