Posts tagged Mens Fashion
Cotton with a Conscience

A recent family trip took us to McIntosh Farms, where we met At McIntosh. At’s Family has owned McIntosh farms dating back to the Revolutionary War time frame. At is an eighth generation farmer and has lived here in South Carolina all his life. At now owns and operates 1000 acres of farmland and rotates his fields with peanut, corn and of course cotton. At’s crop rotation ensures that his cotton yields will be as high as possible and that he will end up with the highest quality of cotton -- a vital piece for his "farm to shirt" concept for his business Homegrown Cotton.

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Birds Fly South...And Some Never Leave

Fall is on the way and it can’t come soon enough. Although we love the summer here in the South, it’s always nice when we get a break from the extreme heat. With the shift in the season comes a shift in our wardrobes as well. We tend to put away the whites and vibrant colors that we associate with Summer. We head to the closet and pull out the earth tones that are just as elegant yet a little more subdued — the colors that remind me of the leaves starting to turn. The browns, deep greens, orange, rust, red and amber. So many colors that nature offers us. The light sweater or cardigan might also make an appearance and the days of shorts are all but over. 

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Botany Bow Ties

It’s our pleasure to introduce you to Irmantas, the owner of Botany Bow Ties based in Charleston, SC. He and his partner Chad graciously allowed us to ask several questions about the company as well as host a small photoshoot. His story is an amazing one that we’re so excited to share with you. 

Irmantas was born in Lithuania where he lived until he was 11 years old. At that time his mother, who was seeking to make a better life for herself and her family, moved them to the United States. That was 16 years ago and now Irmantas calls Charleston home. And as a Charlestonian he is very proud of the fact that he lives in such a wonderful place. Although the idea for Botany Bow Ties wasn’t always in his mind, all it took was a matter of circumstance to see the idea come to fruition. 

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Threading Water: Fashion for Good

Enter Threading Water, and you’ll start to understand how easy it is to make a difference with the simple purchase of a shirt. Threading Water’s mission is a simple one. “To provide clean water to as many people as possible”. As you may have guessed, this is easier said than done. However, Threading Water has partnered with an organization called Lifewater. Lifewater is a non-profit organization committed to ending the global water crisis, another monumental task. But, together organizations and companies that partner for the same causes are more likely to make lasting change. These conglomerations can pool resources and bring many more people together for this cause.

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